This post is about integrating Artisan and a temperature probe to home made roaster, cheaply.

component price (uk) e.g. from
Arduino uno 8.99 e.g. amazon
wires 5.99 [amazon]
unshielded k-type theromcouples 9.99 e.g. [amazon]
thermocouple breakout board* 5.99-20.00 MAX6675, MAX31855, MAX31856

The TC4+ board is an excellent board that combines all the stuff. It’s quite expensive, and supply of these boards have . It requires a bunch of soldering if you don’t pay for the pre-soldered version. Supply of these boards has varied over the yeas. I’ve previously owned a tc4+, but now I think the best direction is to build a board out of individual pieces and an arduino. The individual pieces are easier to get hold of and

** Step 1 - connect the arduino to laptop, check it is working

Go to the arduino site, download the latest arduino desktop IDE from the downloads section and install it.

Follow this quick tutorial, make sure you can get the builtin led to light up on the arduino. (involves uploading some example code to the board)

** Step 2 - connect and test the thermocouple breakout board

You need to install a library for your thermocouple breakout board to test it. In the IDE I go to menu ‘Tools’->’Manage Libraries’ and search for e.g. ‘6675’ or ‘31855’ or whatever board you have. Install the adafruit library for your breakout board.

digilentic seem to sell on that is already soldered